Ugly food? Imperfect makes perfect.

There is larger amount of food item is wasted before they even reach the supermarket …. But why they are being “wasted”? Mostly like because of how their appearance doesn’t meet our “strict cosmetic standards” ( which mean our idea of how fruit and vegetable should look like ). Ugly produces are 100% fresh, nutritious, and delicious, which exactly the same as other “perfect” food item, expect …. their appearance are aesthetic imperfections.

What by it means of aesthetic imperfections?

It can refer to the size of fruit (too big or too small, too long or too short); an unusual shape (too curved or too straight); weird color (too light or too dark) … etc

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These “healthy”, but “ugly” produce will normally discard at landfill… But why it have to end in this way WHILE nearly 800 million people worldwide suffer from hunger?
Is there wise way to solve this problem ?  Yes, here’s one successful example !

The France third largest supermarket chain, “Intermarché” step up and make a difference.

They release a campaign to end this ugly food waste problem. Intermarché wants to promote and educate their customer that unattractive fruit and veggie are special and unique in how they look but with same tasty as others. They produce 7 posters of different ugly produce for advertisement to show their loveliness and ugliness. ALSO they use marketing strategy to encourage customer try and embrace these ugly food items, which they sell them with 30% cheaper than perfect looking one.

Their stocks are 100% sold out with an increase of 24% of their supermarket traffic! What a BIG SUCCESS! They found out potential in ugly food & also reduce food waste !

Do you ever discard any vegetables or fruit just because they look ugly ?
Tell me about what you thin 🙂


6 thoughts on “Ugly food? Imperfect makes perfect.

  1. stubstituteblog says:

    So glad you posted about this, I can’t stand the thought of all that fresh produce being wasted just because it doesn’t look right! I’m lucky that I grew up surrounded with a veggie patch, so was very used to seeing the most bizarre carrot shapes and would never dream of throwing them away! I know Jamie Oliver has partnered with Woolworths for the Odd Bunch campaign,, which is a step forward in opening discussion and acceptance for imperfect produce Australia.


    1. karenng116 says:

      Thanks for the comment and information. James Oliver is a great influencer for the global food waste issue. I will definitely go to check it out the campaign and I’m so happy that strong influencer joining us. This is definitely a big step forward for Australia in the issue of food waste !


    1. karenng116 says:

      Thanks for your comment ! hahah So true. Same as choosing boyfriend and friends, personality is always more important than their appearance. Supermarket always sell the ugly fruit cheap and most of them are really fresh. So why not save money while saving our earth ! 🙂


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